
The Homes are on the Village Sewer system while the Condo's are on the City Sewer system. That means that the cost of the sewer system is the burden of the Home Owners and not the Condo Owners.

It is recommended by the City to clean the sewer every 2 years and Twin "D" recommends that this be done every 3 years. (They also recommend that the storm drains be cleaned every 5 years but it is almost cheaper to have them done with the sewer cleaning so you don't have to pay for an additional mobilization fee.) The city seems to think that the first time our sewers were cleaned was in 2005 (over 20 years without a cleaning). There is a risk, however, that one problem area could back up several homes.

City contacts and Links:


Prevention is better than repairing. It is good to periodically (every 12-18 months) send out a notification/flier to let the residents know what is not acceptable to send down the sewer or disposal.

todo: create and example letter

Two bids are required since there are only two companies that we are aware of that have the equipment to do work on sewers. When work is done, it is our understanding that the Village is responsible to rent the water meter from Orem City for the commercial company to use the fire hydrant.

Note: The city won't do any work even if we paid them UNLESS the commercial guys won't.

There are only two commercial companies that do sewer work:

Twin "D"

  • 801.771.3038

Val Kotter & Sons

  • 435.734.9598

Sewer Inspection Videos (2005)

In 2005, we paid to have a sewer system inspection, including videos. The videos have been saves on a USB drive currently in the possession of Ryan Heaton. Each video has also been uploaded to YouTube:

Expense Handling with Condos

  • The Condo owners are not part of the Village sewer system and the CC&Rs (old and new) specifically state that they are not responsible for expenses associated with the sewer.
  • All sewer expenses will be paid from the master association fund (which is equally funded by Condo owners as well as Home owners).
  • The Condo's will be fairly compensated for all sewer expenses by simply multiplying each expense by .25532 (12 Condos / 47 Homes) and transferring that amount to their account

EXAMPLE: $2,500 Sewer Expense

  • Pay expense of $2,500 from master association fund
  • Pay Condo's $638.30 from master association funds ($2,500 x .25532)
  • Total expense for repair/maintenance for master association is $3,138.30 ($2,500 + $638.30)


  • March 2005: This was the first time the sewer was cleaned and scoped (camera); My understanding is that they found areas that need repair but that it wasn't urgent so nothing has been done.
  • Summer 2008: The city came out to do work downstream and came into the Village to see if the problems were here. I left a message for Bill to let me know what was done. Lisa Murdock said the City has confirmed that the repairs are urgent.
  • Dec 2009: Scott Bell met with Bill Clayton at the Orem Water Reclamation Department to discuss CV sewer. Bill printed out a map of our sewer system and discussed the history above along with what repairs need to be done. Bill was nice enough to give measurements on where each repair needs to be done.
  • Jan 2010: The board came to an agreement with the Condos on how to treat historical and future sewer expenses. (see plan above)
  • Feb 26, 2010 David Runnells sent out a request for bid through the Mountainlands Planroom in Orem and Salt Lake City. Bid process ends at 5:00 pm March 15, 2010.