
According to the newly recorded covenants, perimeter fencing is required. Perimeter lot residents are responsible for the construction and maintenance of their own perimeter fence.


  • 1972 CC&Rs : Made perimeter fencing required
  • 1994 Ammendment : Gave responsibility of construction and maintenance of perimeter fencing to the Village
  • 199? : Materials were purchased by the village for the fence at the entrance fork (currently the Greenwalt's home) but the resident was responsible for the labor. This was done because the first thing folks saw when entering CV was a poorly maintained yard and a fence would be much nicer.
  • 200? : The Condo's wanted a fence along their East side to keep people from cutting across their yard but it needed to look nice since it was the face of the Village. The decision was made for the Village to contribute toward that fence up to the price if chain-link. The material chosen was wrought iron to look nicer than chain link and the Condo's paid the difference.
  • 2009 : Randy Johnson's fence wood fell down and the decision was made (based on precedence) to contribute up to the price of chain link and Randy paid the rest.
    • Note that this was in the middle of trying to finalize and record the new CC&Rs.
    • The 2009 board decided to modify the wording with regard to fencing due to this issue and make perimeter fencing required but the responsibility of the lot owner to avoid the financial exposure of the Village in the future.
  • 2010 : " Cherry Village Brown" fence color. Mary Ann Tiemann had Kwal Paints on 390 N. State match the fence color painted on her back fence which borders the park. This color also matches 2 other homes which border the park (Heatons, Plants). It is a deep reddish, brown paint color stain. They have filed the match mixture as "Cherry Village Brown." Anyone can go in and request this colored stain to use on their fence. This stain was recommended by a professional painter because it has a 5-year guarantee.