Easement Maintenance

Spring Clean-up Reservations (January)

  • Reserve the FREE Orem City Public Works dumpster
    • Call early to reserve the date (usually March or April)
    • Call Laura Bascom (801.310.6283) to get paperwork
  • Send notifications out to the Villagers with date and dumpster rules
  • Assign someone to be in charge of the dumpster (notify city to dump when it gets full)
  • Make specific clean-up assignments for specific groups (i.e. walkways, gutters, trim trees on Village Dr, etc.)
  • Plan a barbecue after if you want or at another time in the year
  • Update as of February 27, 2012 -- I talked to Laura Bascom who was in charge of the dumpsters for all Orem neighborhoods last year and she said that the program outgrew its funding, and it was also turned over to a new City department, "Neighborhoods in Action." She said there used to only be about 5-7 neighborhoods that wanted to participate and now all 22 want to participate. The neighborhoods are basically equal to all the LDS Stakes in Orem. They run along the same lines. So, we can contact our Neighborhood in Action Chairs for the Park Stake "neighborhood" if we want to see how they want to use the dumpster. Laura said they were suggesting that it be used for "the most needed areas" within our stake boundaries. I don't know if we qualify as such, but there is someone to call if you want more information or to pursue this:
    • Joyce Johnson (Neighborhoods in Action Manager) 801-229-7194